Myra Janell
Bold Prayers
Holy Spirit, I offer my body unto you as a living sacrifice! I ask that you bless this oil and protect me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet! I speak against every demonic attack and assignment over my family, over those connected to me, over my finances, over our health, over every room in this house! I come against every witch, warlock, sorcerer, and any tongue that rises up against your righteous servants and I break covenant with any agreement I made with anyone working for the enemy knowingly and unknowingly! I cancel every evil scheme and hidden agendas In the Mighty name of Jesus! I pray that you put everything back into its rightful place! Send your Holy angels and hover over us with your love and crown us with your glory! I speak blessing and favor over everything attached to my name and that you attach to the work of my hands! I ask that you guide and provide me wisdom and strategies to everything you have given me so that I may steward it well! I give everything I have to you Father and I speak Romans 8:28 and Romans 8:18 though we suffer now, it does not compare to the glory that’s coming and for we know all things work together for our good and your glory! Holy Spirit let your glory fall upon us and let us continue to walk meek, holy, and righteous! Let your will done on earth as it is already written in Heaven!
In Jesus name,
Psalm 23:5
Psalm 92:10
1 John 2:27
2 Corinthians 1:20